“Τhe EU faces its biggest dilemma in the history of its relations with Turkey as the time approaches for the next European Council in December. On the one hand, offering more, particularly in terms of saving the ailing Turkish economy, might be misread by the Turkish leadership as a weakness on the part of the EU and effectively change little in Turkey’s attitude towards EU member states. On the other hand, the activation of sanctions might have a catalytic effect on Turkey’s behaviour in the East Mediterranean and bring a military confrontation with Greece closer. The third option of doing nothing, while hoping that Turkey will de-escalate does not seem an option either, because Turkey’s continuous unilateral actions create a precedent in breaching the sovereign rights of its member states that derive from international maritime law, while no one can exclude the scenario that Turkey could try to drill the seabed of disputed continental shelf or conduct seismic surveys in the exclusive economic zone that Greece has declared after its agreement with Egypt.”

You can read Athanasios Manis’ full editorial in the VIADUCT Newsletter here.

Publication: Friday November 20th, 2020 |
Athanasios Manis Research Fellow, Security; Turkey