Jared Kushner’s Middle East peace plan has been welcomed by the Israeli side, as expected, but has disappointed the Palestinians, writes Dr. George N. Tzogopoulos, ELIAMEP Research Fellow, in his article for newspaper TA NEA. Dr. Tzogopoulos says that another intifada should not be ruled out, while the President of the State of Palestine and Palestinian National Authority and Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Mahmoud Abbas is currently trying to gauge the public opinion, on which depends his own political future. Tzogopoulos writes that the current situation does not inspire optimism, while peace plans that have been rejected in the past have been much more balanced than Kushner’s.


You can find the article in Greek here.

Publication: Monday February 3rd, 2020 | ΤΑ ΝΕΑ
George Tzogopoulos Senior Research Fellow, Media; International relations; Chinese affairs