Ana Krstinovska, Researcher at ELIAMEP’s South-East Europe Programme, spoke to Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa and Gentiola Madhi about the developments concerning the Western Balkans, their European course and the cooperation between them.

Over the last two decades, regional cooperation in the Western Balkans has intensified in a number of areas, involving civil society, local administrations, business and academia. However, this increase in initiatives has not always translated into impactful results, often leading to overlapping projects with limited impact on regional ties. While civil society has been instrumental in promoting cooperation, particularly between Kosovo and Serbia, its influence on institutional decision-making remains weak. The policy paper authored by Ioannis Armakola and Ana Krstinovska in the context of the Berlin Process Civil Society Forum stresses the need for a more ambitious EU enlargement agenda, including the introduction of qualified majority voting to speed up integration. For meaningful progress, regional efforts must extend beyond the Western Balkans, involving all Balkan countries to strengthen ties and overcome existing tensions. This inclusive approach, combined with accelerated EU accession processes and deeper engagement of civil society, is essential for the stability and European future of the region.

You can read the interview here.

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Copyright:  © Alexandros Michailidis/Shuttesrtock

Publication: Friday July 26th, 2024 | Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa
Western Balkans, EU integration and cooperation – Ana Krstinovska
Ana Krstinovska Research Fellow, South-East Europe Programme, foreign policy, international relations, contemporary China and EU-China-Western Balkans relations