Eda Gemi and Bledar Feta produced the annual report for the OECD Network of International Migration Experts. It maps out and analyses the 2022 – 2023 development in migration movements and policies in Greece while providing insights into emerging trends. It also examines the latest statistical information on immigrant stocks and flows, including their size and socio-demographic features, labour market participation, and migration policies in the country.

Special attention is given to the current situation as regards the flows and stock of asylum seekers and irregular migrants crossing Greek- Türkiye sea and land borders, including the reception and accommodation of Ukrainians in Greece Additionally, the report outlines the main developments in migration and asylum policy in 2022-2023 and the challenges facing the country with regard to the governance of migration and integration policies.

During the period of reference, Greece continued to grapple with managing refugee and migrant flows, which have been on the rise in 2023, particularly from neighbouring regions affected by conflict and instability. Specifically, the number of asylum applications in Greece more than doubled over the reference period, with nearly all being first-time applications.

In 2023, the country continued efforts to manage migration, focusing on enhancing asylum procedures, decongesting overcrowded camps, and advocating for a balanced EU approach to migration policies. A one-off regularization programme has been implemented in 2023 with broader applicability to irregular migrants in the Greek territory

Despite these efforts, Greece continued to face criticism from human rights organizations and advocacy groups over alleged violations of migrants’ rights, including reports of pushbacks at sea and inadequate access to legal assistance. These issues underscored the ongoing challenges and complexities inherent in managing migration in Greece and the broader European context.

This national report is a key input to the OECD work on international migration mainly for the preparation of the annual OECD flagship publication International Migration Outlook 2024.

You can read the full national report about Greece here. 

You can read the 2023 edition of International Migration Outlook produced by OECD here.

Categories: All publicationsWorking Papers
Migration Developments in Greece in 2023 – Eda Gemi and Bledar Feta
Eda Gemi Research Associate; Associate Professor and Head of Law Department at the University of New York, Tirana
Bledar Feta Research Fellow, Foreign policy, domestic politics, human rights in South-East Europe