Mobility Partnerships constitute a key tool of the EU’s GAMM (Global Approach to Migration and Mobility)
aiming to facilitate and organise the legal mobility of Third Country Nationals, to address irregular migration
under effective and humane measures and to reinforce the development outcomes of migration. Key actions in
this respect are the introduction of visa facilitation agreements and readmission agreements with the partner
countries. Circular and/or return migration schemes are other priorities around labour mobility that countries
may wish to promote through Mobility Partnerships. This Policy Paper will critically assess the tool of Mobility
Partnerships in the framework of the new EU GAMM in the light of recent data on legal migration channels
between EU countries and actual and potential partner countries of the EU neighbourhood and the effectiveness
of preventive and reactive measures against irregular migration.

Authors: Thanos Maroukis and Anna Triandafyllidou

Policy PaperMobility partnerships: A convincing tool for the EU’s global approach to migration?

Categories: All publicationsPolicy briefs
Mobility partnerships: A convincing tool for the EU’s global approach to migration?
Anna TRIANDAFYLLIDOU Professor, Canada Excellence Research Chair in Migration and Integration, Ryerson University, Toronto