The Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) announces the organization of the 1st Youth Assembly on Climate Change with the participation of undergraduate and graduate students, which will take place online on the 5th and 6th of May, 2022 in the framework of the project “Climate Resilient Regions Through Systemic Solutions and Innovations”- ARSINOE, which is funded by the European Commission (Horizon 2020 programme).

The Youth Assembly aims to familiarize the students with climate change related issues and relevant policy responses through their participation in the formulation of a Green Deal for Athens, along the lines of the European Green Deal. Students will have the chance to debate and propose realistic policies -overall strategies and more specific measures- for climate change mitigation and adaptation within the geographical boundaries of the Municipality of Athens.

More specifically, students will be asked:

  • To measure their annual carbon footprint;
  • Το map the vulnerability of the city of Athens (Municipality of Athens) to climate change impacts and evaluate existing measures for climate change mitigation and adaptation;
  • To present, debate and agree upon specific proposals for improving the response of the Municipality of Athens to climate change, through a structured decision-making process based on predetermined rules, which will culminate in the formulation and adoption of a Green Deal for Athens.

In order for the participants to better prepare their proposals before the Youth Assembly takes place, they will be provided with detailed educational material (Study Guide), which will include the necessary scientific information, as well as the rules of procedure (covering discussion/negotiation and decision-making) for the Assembly.

The students will have the opportunity to present the Green Deal for Athens that they will adopt at the end of their Youth Assembly to scientists and representatives of the local authorities during the last day of the event.

Topics to be discussed at the Youth Assembly:

  • Climate change and the city of Athens: How and to what extent does the city of Athens contribute to the greenhouse effect and what mitigation measures have already been adopted?
  • Climate change impacts in Athens and vulnerability of the city and its neighbourhoods.
  • Adaptation measures to the climate change impacts as manifested in Athens: good and not-so-good practices, and remaining challenges.
  • How can the youth contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation?
  • Policy proposals and concrete actions to address climate change in the city of Athens.

Application Procedure:

Students who are interested will have to complete the online application form that is available here.

The deadline for submission of applications is 23 March 2022, at 23:59 hrs EET. Applications submitted after the aforementioned deadline will not be considered.

Applicants will be notified by 31 March 2022 at the very latest regarding the status of their application via email to the electronic address that they will have provided. Successful applicants will have to confirm their participation as soon as possible, so that the Study Guide can be sent to them, along with further instructions.

The Organising Team can be contacted at the following email address:

For more information on the ARSINOE project see here.