The Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) is interested in hosting postdoctoral researchers (PR) who wish to submit a research proposal for the 3rd Call for Research Projects to support postdoctoral researchers in the scientific areas related directly to ELIAMEP’s areas of interest.

Deadline for submission of applications for H.F.R.I.: 8th March 2021, 17:00 (EET)

The duration of the research projects can extend from 12 to 24 months.

Maximum funding amount for each research project per each scientific area (related to the research expertise of ELIAMEP) is:

SA.6. Social Sciences €100,000

SA.7. Humanities and Arts €100,000

A mandatory prerequisite for participating in the Call is that the PR is not employed for more than three (3) months during the last twelve (12) months before the start date of submission of proposals in a research project at the Host Institution (i.e. same research team, lab, etc.) under any capacity and salary, including having received funding from any Host Institution, native or foreign.

The Call is available here.

The researchers who are interested in collaborating with ELIAMEP should submit an expression of interest until Thursday, 4th February 2021, 17:00 (EET) at

The Expression of Interest should be in English and include the following:

  • A short CV (2 pages max)
  • A short description of the research proposal (2 pages max)
  • A short description of how the research proposal is related to ELIAMEP’s areas of research expertise (1 page max)
  • Confirmation that the researcher complies with the eligibility criteria of the Call

The selection of research proposals will be made after internal evaluation of the applications and availability for supervision by a Senior Research Fellow at ELIAMEP. All candidates will be informed on the evaluated results of their applications.

Further information about the Call are available in Greek here.

* ELIAMEP is in full compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR 679/2016), which its staff strictly applies in the collection and processing of personal data.

** ELIAMEP is committed to equal opportunities in the evaluation and recruitment of its personnel, and it does not discriminate on the basis of gender, race or ethnic origin, religious and other convictions, sexual orientation, age, or disability.