vacanciesThe Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy – ELIAMEP is seeking a researcher-IT expert for a 5-month position (February – June 2016). The job position is part of the Research Programme LOMIGRAS: “Mainstreaming and Monitoring Immigrants’ Integration in Local Government in Greece”, which is funded by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology of Greece through the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism (EEA Grants).

Qualifications, Knowledge and Experience

  • Post-graduate degree (Ph.D or MA) in computer sciences or statistics.
  • Ability to use and apply social research data through the creation of relevant technological instruments
  • Proven experience in the development of web-based applications.
  • Proven experience in the analysis of quantitative data.
  • Excellent written and oral communications skills in English and Greek.

Main duties

  • Develop indicators and monitoring tool for assessing immigrant integration at the local level.
  • Analysis of secondary quantitative data.
  • Develop of web-based application on monitoring and assessment tool (MAT).
  • Conduct pilot-testing of the web-based application of the MAT in the Municipality of Athens.
  • Contribute to the report on a set of policy recommendations regarding the assessment of local integration tools and strategies at local, national and European levels.
  • Programme’s website design and management
  • Contribute to the organisation of three workshops in Athens and Thessaloniki and the final conference in Athens.
  • Contribute to networking and disseminating research results of LOMIGRAS.

Deadline for application: 25 November 2015

Please submit your application electronically including cover letter and CV with «MIGR_11b.15″ in subject line, to