Our shared European future and the trajectory of the union’s efforts will be defined by the upcoming European Parliament elections from June 6–9, 2024. In this context, ELIAMEP is launching a campaign titled “European Elections 2024: I Participate for a Strong Europe,” / “European Elections 2024: Engage for a Stronger Europe,” aiming to inform, raise awareness, and mobilise citizens in anticipation of the elections. This initiative seeks to underscore the critical importance and high stakes of these pivotal European elections, advocating for extensive citizen engagement—especially among the youth—to ensure an active role in shaping the discussions and considerations that will impact the future of the European Union.  

Over a period spanning more than five months, ELIAMEP, alongside Europe Direct ELIAMEP Attica and the EU Youth Hub, in collaboration with various other organisations, has orchestrated a wide array of actions and activities across Athens and other regions. These initiatives are diverse in content, style, and the audiences they target, aiming to reach and engage a broad spectrum of the population. The campaign endeavours to highlight the significance of these elections, promoting an informed and proactive citizenry ready to contribute to the future direction of the European Union.