The 1st Global Politics Summer Academy has been postponed due to Covid-19.


Organized by: The Institute of Global Affairs of the American College of Greece and the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ΕLIAMEP)

Athens, 30 June – 3 July 2020

(Deadline: April 24)

The modules offered during this intensive short-term program provide participants with a plethora of insights and different perspectives on the current security landscape of the Eastern Mediterranean. Special emphasis will be placed, among others: 1) on the new security threats and challenges emanating in the broader Mediterranean region; 2) on the strategies adopted by state actors and international organizations for managing migration in the region; 3) on the evolution of the long-standing conflict between Greece and Turkey and the prospects for cooperation in an era of uncertainty and transformation; and 4) on the “Geopolitics of Energy” in the Eastern Mediterranean and its role in becoming a catalyst for cooperation and conflict resolution instead of amplifying existing conflicts and triggering new ones. Moreover, the “Ambassadors Forum” will close the series of lectures with a roundtable discussion between the Ambassadors of certain key-states in the region (USA, Greece, Israel, and Cyprus) on the prerequisites for promoting stability in the Eastern Mediterranean.

You may find more information on the programme and participation cost in this link.

Click here for the agenda of the summer academy and here for the application form.

Academic Coordinators:

Professor Panayotis Tsakonas, University of Athens; Head, Security and Turkey programme, ELIAMEP and Dr. Haris Vlavianos, Director, Institute of Global Affairs, American College of Greece


Ms. Marianna Vasilopoulou: and/or Ms. Maria Sermpou: