ELIAMEP is an independent, private, non-partisan, non-governmental research organisation, the best of its kind in Greece. The ELIAMEP Middle East Research Project (MERP) was established in 2010 to promote the study, articulation and preparation of strategies for the Middle East in various fields. MERP is tasked to carry out strategic studies in various political, economic, cultural and international fields. MERP focuses on significant policy issues related to the Middle East today and in the future. MERP was formed to promote understanding through regional dialogue.

In a globalized world MERP’s objective is to contribute to the promotion of political, economic and cultural understanding on one side, and economic collaboration on the other. In order to meet such a macro policy goal all players should engage in dialogue on various policy issues. These players include entrepreneurs, government officials, policy-makers, the private sector, academics, NGOs, international organizations and the media. MERP’s vision to analyse the interplay between economics and politics is essential for understanding economic cooperation and geopolitical challenges in the Middle East. It is based on the following tripartite scheme:

– Politics. The way to make collective decisions. In theMiddle East politics pertains every aspect of daily life.

Economics and politics. Both represent methods by societies to make decisions on who gets what and how. Economy plays a vital role in the struggle between tradition and transformation in the Middle Eastern societies.

Culture and politics. Culture is the foundation on which every activity is carried out, building a geopolitical consensus between various countries and civilizations. TheMiddle East is the hotspot in the East-West cultural antagonism.

MERP attempts to develop a deeper understanding of macroeconomic and geopolitical developments in theMiddle Eastin order to raise awareness and shape public debate. MERP is:

  • A forum for entrepreneurs, policy-makers, government officials, NGOs, scholars and the media to cooperate on geopolitical, economic and cultural issues.
  • A research and policy centre, producing reports on important geopolitical, economic and cultural issues influencing the political and business environment in theMiddle East. Thus it offers a range of advising services in the form of strategic business insights, enabling potential regional partners to join forces and develop promising partnerships.

MERP Activities:

1. Research (Papers and Reports)

The MERP papers and reports focus on geopolitical and economic developments, debates as well as policies, affecting the future of the Middle East. The MERP conducts research in the fields of politics, economics and culture in the Middle East, aiming to boost relations between Greeceand the Middle Eastas well as Middle Eastern corporations per se. From the beginning of 2015 MERP participates in the Social Media Project of the Panayia Yeniköy Community Foundation in Istanbul.

2. Advising

A group of professionals provide specific wide range business consulting and advising services.


Middle East Mediterranean

Issue no. 1

Issue no. 2

Issue no. 3

Issue no. 4

Issue No. 5

Issue No. 6

Issue No.7

Issue No. 8

Issue No. 9

Issue No. 10

Issue No. 11

Issue No 12

Issue No 13

Issue No 14

Issue No 15

Issue No 16

Issue No 17

Isuue No 18

Issue No 19

News Forum

The Palestine News Forum is an online news platform and part of the ELIAMEP Middle East Research Project, focusing on political, economic and cultural news and developments regarding Palestine and Palestinian-Greek relations. More information is available here.

5. Events

  • The MERP Lecture Series: Entrepreneurs, policymakers, diplomats, academics and governmental officials provide insights on various issues of Middle Eastern interest.
  • The MERP Middle East Roundtables: Events held throughout the year, focusing on the basics and complexities of policies and developments.

The Middle East Research Project Team

Dr. Venetis Evangelos, Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, ELIAMEP

Dr. Ilias-Tembos, Evangelos, Expert-First Counsellor, Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs (EU Affairs & EU Policy on Defense) & Senior Research Fellow of ELIAMEP

Dr. Tzogopoulos, Georgios, Media and Politics, ELIAMEP

Dr. Dokos Thanos, Director General, ELIAMEP

Mr. Voulelis Nicolas, Director, The Journalists’ Newspaper

Dr. Alobeid Aref, Arab Studies, Independent Scholar

Dr. Tsakiris, Theodoros, Geopolitics of Energy, ELIAMEP

Mr. Touloumakos Pantelis, Turkish Studies,University of Athens

Dr. Maroukis, Thanos, Migration Studies, ELIAMEP

Prof. Sharma, Shalendra, Economics,University of San Francisco,USA

Prof. Andreas Theophanus, Political Economy,University of Nicosia,Cyprus

Dr. Sonay, Ali, Arab Studies,University of Bamberg,Germany

Dr. Ghandour-Demiri, Nada,Palestine Expert,University of Bristol,UK

Dr. Ioannis Grigoriadis, Turkish Studies, University of Bilkent,Turkey

Ms. Ververidou, Maria, Turkish Studies, the Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Ms. Georgopoulou Marina, European Affairs, Independent Researcher

The Davutoğlu Doctrine and Turkish Foreign Policy
Working Papers
The Davutoğlu Doctrine and Turkish Foreign Policy
Ioannis N. Grigoriadis
Acts and dimensions of the Islamic capital in Turkey: the MÜSİAD and TUSKON business groups
‘Short dictionary’ of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Greek-Iranian relations & their significance to the European Union
Analysing Turkish foreign policy: the role of governmental organizations in the context of Ankara’s development diplomacy
The rising power of Iran in the Middle East: forming an axis with Iraq, Syria and Lebanon
Middle East – Mediterranean Report, 1st issue
Middle East – Mediterranean Report, 2nd issue
Briefing Note: ‘Nuclear Politics: Is Iran ready to compromise with the West?’
Briefing Note on the elections in Egypt
Middle East – Mediterranean Report, 3d issue
Δελτίο Μέσης Ανατολής – Μεσογείου, 4o τεύχος
Κείμενο Πολιτικής: «Η ελληνική διπλωματία και η αραβοϊσραηλινή διένεξη»
Middle East Mediterranean Report, 5th issue
Working Paper: ‘Turkish think tanks’
Working Papers
Working Paper: ‘Turkish think tanks’
Briefing Note: ‘The Real Challenge of Syria for the International Community’
Middle East Mediterranean Report, 6th issue
Briefing Note: ‘The (in)significance of the UN Palestinian vote’
Briefing Note: ‘Do EU sanctions produce results? The Iran oil embargo case’
Middle East Mediterranean Report, 7th issue
Briefing Note: ‘The enigma of elections in Iran’
Middle East Mediterranean Report, 8th issue
‘Economic Relations between Greece, the Middle East and North Africa’
Middle East Mediterranean Report, 9th issue
Middle East-Mediterranean Report, 12th issue
MERP report deals with multiculturalism in the Middle East
Briefing Note of Greek entrepreneurship and the new Suez canal
Briefing Note on the role of Russia and Turkey in Syria
Middle East-Mediterranean Report, 17th issue
ELIAMEP briefing note focuses on the Yemen crisis and the role of the West
Middle East-Mediterranean Report, 18th issue
ELIAMEP working paper explores whether Greece could embrace Islamic Finance
Middle East-Mediterranean Report, 19th issue
Middle East-Mediterranean Report, 20th issue