The Hellenic Foundation for European & Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) with the support of NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division launched in 2016 a public discussion on critical security issues. Using its website and in cooperation with important newspapers in Greece, ELIAMEP developed a knowledge hub on security issues in order to enhance the ongoing debate and raise public awareness. The first two rounds of this initiative, with the participation of Greek and international scholars and policymakers, were hosted by the leading Greek opinion-making newspaper: I Kathimerini (2016) and by the daily newspapers TA NEA and Efimerida ton Syntakton (2017).

The third phase of the initiative, which is part of the #WeAreNATO, will be launched in September 2018 and will include:

  1. The publication of debate folders about security and defence in ELIAMEP’s website and in daily newspaper TA NEA and in The Books’ Journal.
  2. The organization of four public discussions in different cities across Greece. The topics of the discussions will include gender and security issues, internal and external security synergies, security challenges from the South and defense and security in the 21st century- EU NATO cooperation.



The public debate on security, Thanos Dokos, Director-General, ELIAMEP

Interview with Mr. Thanos Dokos, Director-General of ELIAMEP, for the radio-station FM100

International security crises and journalists responsibilities, Christos Frangonikolopoulos, Assistant Professor in Politics and International relations at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Journalism and Mass Media Studies Department

Hate speech and its implications on violent tensions in Greece, Vassilis Vamvakas, Assistant Professor in Sociology of Communication at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Communication and Medi

Fake news and disinformation as Russian policy instrument, Gerodimos Romanos, Principal Lecturer in Global Current Affairs at the Faculty of Media and Communication, at Bournemouth University

Perceptions and misperceptions about the migration- terrorism nexus, Triantafyllos (Akis) Karatrantos, IR and Security Expert

Senior Advisor on Radicalisation, Organised Crime and Terrorism Research & Prevention Policies, Center for Security Studies (KEMEA)