The principal objective of ELIAMEP Asian Studies Programme is to closely monitor developments in Asia. Taking into account the shift of the US interest from the Middle East to the Asian Continent and the economic and political rise of China, such as research program can contribute to a better understanding of politics and international relations in Asia as well as to an assessement of the strategy of the important players. The main activities of ELIAMEP Asian Studies Programme will be the publication of relevant papers and the organisation of debates to facilitate public dialogue.

Although this field has not been particularly developed in Greece, ELIAMEP establishes its Asian Studies Programme having already taken some steps towards this direction. These include the following events:

Also ELIAMEP paticipated in the first ‘EU-China Think Thank Dialogue’, which took place in Beijing on 6 and 7 April 2016. It has also participated in ‘New Med’ research network launched by Ιstituto Affari Internazionali. In collaboration with Torino World Affairs Institute they co-organised the conference: ‘China in the Mediterranean’ in Torino in 17 and 18 February 2016.

Relevant Publications

Programme Coordinators: Dr Thanos Dokos (ELIAMEP Director General) and Dr George Tzogopoulos