Within the framework of the ALGREE project, ELIAMEP – South East Europe Programme, in cooperation with the Konrad-Adenauer Foundation – Office for Greece and Cyprus and the Public Opinion and Market Research Unit of the Research Institute of the University of Macedonia, designed and implemented a Pan-Hellenic public opinion survey on Greek-Albanian relations in a random and representative sample. The survey was implemented between 15-21 April 2024 in a sample of 1165 people, 17 years old and older.

The scientific coordinators of the research were Ioannis Armakolas, Associate Professor at the University of Macedonia and Senior Research Fellow and Head of the South-East Europe Programme of ELIAMEP, and Giorgos Siakas, Assistant Professor at the Democritus University of Thrace and Research Director of the Public Opinion and Market Research Unit of the University of Macedonia.

Main conclusions: The results of the public opinion survey conclude that, compared to previous surveys, there is stagnation or strain on bilateral and political issues. The survey also reflects the strongly negative attitude and concern of the Greek public opinion in relation to the Beleri issue and the rights of the Greek minority. On the contrary, compared to previous surveys, there is a significant improvement in the indicators recording social and economic relations between Greece and Albania and between Greeks and Albanians, as well as in the image of Albanians in Greek public opinion.

More specifically:

  • There is an improvement in the image of Albania in Greece, but negative opinions remain in the majority. Regarding bilateral relations, there is a slight deterioration, but neutral opinions prevail.
  • Both on the issue of Beleri and on the respect of the rights of the Greek minority in Albania and on the rule of law in the neighbouring country, the opinions of public opinion in Greece are particularly negative for the Albanian side. Public opinion recognises that third countries have had a rather neutral stance on the issue of Beleri.
  • Very positive views, which are constantly improving, exist on social and economic relations between the two sides. There are overwhelmingly positive views on Albanian immigration to Greece.
  • Greek public opinion is rather ambivalent on the issue of Albania’s EU membership.

You can read the findings of the survey in detail here.

The findings of the Greek public opinion trends survey on Greek-Albanian relations were presented in two separate events in Athens and Tirana.

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