Defence analyst Manos Iliadis and Director General of ELIAMEP, Dr.Thanos Dokos motivated by the Policy Paper “Military Service and Defense” by Georgios Manassis and Konstantinos Saragkas, shared in a new Working Paper their own point of view on the subject.

As the two authors underline in the Woking Paper: “The men’s draft, right after the completion of their high school studies, together with the provision of basic training to young women mostly in logistics support, could potentially form the basis for an effective Civil Defense. More specifically, modernizing conscript military training and combining it with a “targeted preparation” to turn conscripts into Greek citizens could be the only path forward in a time of national and social instability”.

And they add: “The usefulness of institutions that, are considered either failed or not of primary importance, will have to be redefined and re-evaluated, as these institutions could potentially form the armed forces operational spearhead. Last but not least, military academies must align to the new increased operational requirements. According to these, the officer must be combat-ready and reliable, starting right after graduation and commissioning”.

You may find the Working Paper, in greek, here.

Categories: All publicationsWorking Papers
Thanos Dokos
Thanos Dokos National Security Advisor