Panagiotis Paschalidis, researcher at the Southeast Europe Programme of ELIAMEP, participated in the edited volume “Médiations et migrations”, published in early December by the French Publishing House l’Harmattan.

The volume, which was edited by Amal Nader and Jimy Boulos, deals with an analysis of discourses pertaining to migration related issues (media, political discourse and other experts on migration) in EU countries as well as countries of North Africa, the Middle East and Turkey.

Mr. Paschalidis’ chapter bears the title: «Les discours des médias grecs sur la crise migratoire (2013-2017) : Entre pragmatisme et solidarité».

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Panagiotis Paschalidis’ chapter on the edited volume “Médiations et migrations”
Panagiotis Paschalidis Research Fellow, Media representations of the Balkan region