• Steady but low growth, a relatively high unemployment rate and a steadily shrinking local population highlight the need for a strategic approach through development initiatives.
  • The NSRF programmes as well as the overall European cohesion policy constitute an integral part of the national development strategy and in the majority of cases NSRF funding represents the largest share of public development investments.
  • The ROP Thessaly 2014-20 aimed to improve parameters in which the region lags behind, such as entrepreneurship and competitiveness, while integrating factors important both at the economic and social level, such as environmental sustainability.
  • The delays and obstacles recorded underline the importance of a flexible public administration at the central and regional level that can manage programmes more effectively, as a centralised and highly bureaucratic planning and management system poses significant obstacles to the development of projects.

Read here (in Greek) the Policy paper by by Pery Bazoti, PhD candidate, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

Categories: Policy Papers