More than twenty years after the end of the Cold War and the demise of the Soviet Union, tensions among the United States, Russia and the European Union on Ukraine are escalating. As the Ukrainian crisis  keeps unfolding, the country has become the centre of international attention. Joining the debate the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) offers research material, as well as supportive documentation (interviews, statements, official documents by international actors, statistical data, economic, investment and trade figures, energy data, decisions taken at international fora, etc.) on developments in Ukraine and international politics.

Τhis website is regularly updated by Dr.  Evangelos Ilias-Tembos, Expert-First Counsellor, Ηellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs, (European Union & European Defence Policy) & Senior Research Fellow of ELIAMEP:





Articles by ELIAMEP Researchers:

Categories: All publications
Thanos Dokos
Thanos Dokos National Security Advisor
ELIAMEP joins the debate on the Ukrainian crisis
Evangelos Tembos Research Associate; Expert-Minister, Counsellor, Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union & European Defence Policy
Panagiota Manoli Research Fellow, Comparative regionalism; European Neighborhood Policy