“Greece, on the other hand, appears to be looking for a new, long-term strategy (grand strategy) to deal with today’s neo-Ottoman Turkey. However, Greece does not need a separate strategy from that of the EU: to insist, despite the problems, on the deepest possible attachment of Turkey to European processes, mechanisms, structures. This is a necessary, long-term, structural goal beyond the mitigation of the situation currently underway. Any other approach, like tripartite partnerships, aggravates the Greek-Turkish problem rather than contributing to its solution,” writes Panayiotis K. Ioakimidis in his article for newspaper TA NEA.

Read the full article in Greek here.

Publication: Tuesday November 3rd, 2020 | ΤΑ ΝΕΑ
Panayiotis Ioakimidis
Panayiotis Ioakimidis Professor Emeritus, Department of Political Science and Public Administration, University of Athens