TARGET will initiate institutional change in seven gender equality innovating institutions (GEIIs) in the Mediterranean basin – including research performing organisations (RPOs), research funding organisations (RFOs) and a network of universities. TARGET takes a reflexive approach which goes beyond the formal adoption of a gender equality plan by emphasising an iterative reflection of progress made as well as establishing a community of practice to effect institutional transformation. Actual change is the result of increased institutional willingness and capacity to identify, reflect on and address gender bias in a sustained way.

Starting point and anchor of the process is a tailored Gender Equality Plan or Strategy (GEP/GES) in each GEII. TARGET will build the institutional capacity for a reflexive gender equality policy by: developing effective tools for each stage of the GEP/GES (audit, planning, implementation, monitoring, self-assessment) to be customised to the specific institution; supporting the development of competences to conduct a gender audit, to design, implement, monitor and self-assess a tailored GEP/GES; establishing a community of practice of relevant stakeholders within each GEII; initiating an organisational learning process within each GEII which combines self-assessment with GEP/GES evaluation. The TARGET countries have been characterised as relatively inactive in developing gender equality policies in R&I.

Based on the collaborative work with research organisations in ten countries in adopting GEPs, the TARGET project will further develop new knowledge for institutions, practitioners and policymakers. It shall do so through the comparative analysis of GEP implementation and sustainability, and by developing a basis for effective sharing of practice in both proactive and relatively inactive countries, while taking into account differences in cultural, socio-economic and political settings.

ELIAMEP’s role in the TARGET project

  • As an established research and policy institute in Greece and in Europe, ELIAMEP is a partner among the consortium organisations that have committed to formulating and adopting a Gender Equality Plan (GEP) – the first research and innovation organisation in Greece to do so. While it is a relatively small organisational entity (in terms of scientific and administrative staff), ELIAMEP is the center of a larger research community that includes a wide network of its researchers who are also affiliated with different Greek universities, links with many research and funding organizations in Greece and abroad, and a large number of trainees and external collaborators.
  • ELIAMEP is the consortium partner responsible for developing policy recommendations for promoting gender equality in research and innovation institutions.
  • To ensure that action taken has a multiplier effect, ELIAMEP will also undertake targeted dissemination activities to initiate a national/regional discourse on gender equality in Research & Innovation.


Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS, coordinator), Austria

Agentia Romana de Asigurare a Calitatii in Invatamantul Superior (ARACIS), Romania

Idryma Proothisis Erevnas) (RPF), Cyprus

Fondazione Regionale per la Ricerca Biomedica (FRRB), Italy

Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP), Greece

University of Belgrade (UB), Serbia

Réseau Méditerranéen des Ecoles d’Ingénieurs (RMEI), France

NOTUS, Spain

Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini (FGB), Italy

Universite Hassan II de Casablanca (UH2C), Morocco

For more information, you can contact Dia Anagnostou,

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 741672